Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Rusted Root Done

Rusted Root
Originally uploaded by sphilange.
I finished Rusted Root after several months of having it hibernate. I started off knitting a larger size, but started over with the smaller size. It fits really well now. This was a simple project, but the boring stockinette areas made it harder to keep knitting. I don't usually like to knit something in the exact yarn and color of the pattern, but I like this color and happened to have some. I used Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece in Sedona, with size 6 needles. The lace part was easy, but I still made a small mistake. I don't know how to go back and add yo's to an area, after I've knitted several inches. If I unraveled the vertical row, it would be hard to recreate the lace pattern, with all the increasing and decreasing. Even with stockinette, I don't know how to add yo's to an area. If anyone knows how, or knows of a good source to learn from, it would help. It happened to me with lace knitting often enough, so I figured there must be a way to go back and fix mistakes.


the fabled needle (jen) said...

i've had this patternf ro a while but haven't started - i've never done lace before! you did a great job, btw.

rightbrainedamoeba said...

i really like it : )