I started the Exchange Bag, with nylon yarn. It is difficult to work with and I had to start it twice, actually. Once it gets going, it's easier, but I had a hard time not twisting the original chain. I'm using Coats and Clark yarn, which is really cheap. The whole thing might cost about $6. I like this bag, because it seems like one that would be really useful, because the yarn is so tough. A lot of stuff that I made feels delicate, so I end up not using it as much.
I realized that I haven't watched a TV show in months. I just got so sick of commercials, and the shows themselves are so mindless. I used to watch TV all the time, like an addict. It was strange because the more I watched, the more I would want to watch. It was like I couldn't think of anything else to do, because my mind had shut off. It's like a drug in so many ways. When you first start, you anticipate that it will be really fun, then it's not, so you keep watching, trying to feel that initial amount of excitement. The shows themselves are more cut with commercials too, compared ten years ago. I am glad that I finally stopped watching, because in the end, it's just depressing to sit there watching other people live their lives, or whatever.