The pink armwarmer is one of the first lace knitting projects I tried, and the sweater is what I'm currently working on.
I decided to try unraveling thrift store sweaters as a way to get cheap yarn, but I found that most of the yarn looks too worn out. Or it is really poor quality to begin with. It’s not worth it to unravel and reknit with really degraded yarn. Even unraveling takes more time than I thought it would. It is definitely better to get good yarn if I’m going to be spending all the time knitting something. Everything related to art always seems to be so expensive. But then, most hobbies are expensive, except for reading, maybe.
I learned how to knit about a year ago, from Stitch and Bitch (which has good instructions, and has patterns for stuff I'd actually want to wear). In a way, it seems odd, because I don’t know anyone who knits, and no one I knew ever did anything like that. I just saw the book and the patterns, and I decided to see if I could figure out how to knit. It was frustrating at first, but now I’m seeing how the whole thing works. Now my main problem is when I try to change the type of yarn in a pattern, my gauge is off, so the whole thing turns out wrong. In one case, my counting of stitches was off by one, and that problem multiplied to make sweater turn out huge. Now I realize how important the gauge swatch is, even though it seems tedious.
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