These are two paintings I've recently finished. The desert one was done with layering bits of aluminum foil in gesso, then painting over it. I wanted to do more with collages and painting, since that seems more interesting to me. You can create textures and atmosphere that's different from a normal painting.
The farmer is a painting I started a while ago, then didn't finish. The basic proportions of the guy aren't exactly right, because the orginal drawing doesn't look right. I need to practice drawing people from life more, but that is difficult to do, unless you can take a figure drawing class. Also, I need to

find a better system of colors for skin tones, so they look more normal. But I've noticed that if you have a really stong orginal drawing of the person, you can use almost any color and it looks believable. So I guess drawing skills are as important to a painting than which specific colors you use. Whenever I finish a painting, I feel that there is some composition or idea that I just barely started in the painting, and I need to push it further to get there. I never feel that a painting is completely finished and is the limit of what I want to express. I guess that lets me have a goal that I'm trying to reach. I think the main thing I need to do is improve my drawing skills, and that is the least interesting thing to me.
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